Welcome to PocketConsole

PocketConsolePocketConsole is a software, which provides a console device for Pocket PCs. Consoles manage input and output (I/O) for character-mode applications (applications that do not provide their own graphical user interface). Such programs are still wide spread in the Windows and Unix world. For example, the command prompts command.com on Windows 9X/ME and cmd.exe on Windows NT® are character-mode applications. Also, many of the open source projects from GNU are console based character-mode applications.

Microsoft provides a console for Windows CE H/PC (Handheld) computers. Implemented on those devices is also the Windows CE® command prompt (CMD). However, no console device is implemented on Pocket PC or Pocket PC 2002 platforms. This is PocketConsole’s raison d’être. And moreover, PocketConsole has all the advanced features of the Windows NT console. Since PocketConsole is full compatible with Microsofts Windows CE device driver model you can run any character-mode application written for Windows CE Handheld’s on your Pocket PC without modification.

On the applications page you can download some character-mode programs which run on PocketConsole.

If you are a Pocket PC software developer, then PocketConsole will simplify porting console mode applications from Windows and Unix to the Pocket PC. Please visit the developers page for a more detailed description of PocketConsole. There you can also download Port SDK, a software development kit, which assists you in writing charcter-mode applications for PocketConsole.

Features of PocketConsole

  • Runs on Windows CE Pocket PC and Pocket PC 2002 devices
  • Supports SH3, ARM, MIPS and X86 processors
  • X86 version for Pocket PC 2002 emulator is available through Port SDK
  • Conforms fully to Microsofts Windows CE console device driver model:
    • Runs console mode applications written for Windows CE Handheld’s
    • Up to 10 consoles can be simultanously open
  • Has advanced features from the Windows NT console:
    • Color support
    • Unicode support
    • Property pages for customizing color,font,screensize …
    • Input history buffer
    • QuickEdit mode for copy and paste
  • Plug & Play installation